Read authentic testimonials from our clients who share their personal experiences with biotherapy, offering you insight into the real effects and changes they have experienced.

Hello, my name is Mariana Mihailova, I am a doctor and have been in this profession for 23 years. As a physician, I am well aware that the body is a unique system. Exceptionally intelligent. It has a built-in self-healing mechanism, and if it has enough quality energy, it can function in conditions of harmony and balance. When I learned about Slavko Matanović's healing abilities with bioenergy and his desire to pass on this knowledge, I trusted him unconditionally and signed up for the education. I felt like a patient in a doctor's office waiting to be informed about their condition, to be supported and reassured. Slavko Matanović welcomed us calmly, confidently, cheerfully, and with good intentions. It didn't matter to him who we were, what we did. He did not oppose us, but united us, and our conscious desire to absorb his advice, knowledge, and skills was also important. I was very impressed by the possibility of using bioenergy for healing or improving the condition of patients for whom there is no solution in conventional medicine. The world is evolving and demands that we be successful and competitive. But first, we must be healthy. We choose. We are the product of the choices we make. With today's choices, we build our future. My choice is to be part of the family of bioenergo therapists created by Slavko Matanović. A person of high morals, ethical behavior, and professional attitude towards patients and colleagues. Thank you, Teacher, for choosing Bulgaria and giving us the opportunity to enjoy a healthy life!
Slavko - A man of great heart and golden hands! Our first meeting was 3 years ago in Plovdiv. The right side of my buttocks hurt. I couldn't find a comfortable position because of it - neither sitting nor lying down, for more than 2 years. After 3 sessions of bioenergy with Slavko, the pains receded and passed - without medical interventions or medications! Simply unique. After experiencing healing on myself, I wanted to learn more about bioenergy and enrolled in a course with Slavko, going through three levels of training. Interesting and very useful training - I met wonderful people in our large family of bioenergy therapists. Helping people through Bioenergy, assisting with health issues - seeing a smile and gratitude from someone is wonderful! I highly recommend meeting with the master Slavko Matanović and feeling the magic of healing, just as I felt it, where the pain also disappeared!
Stefka Bjørk, Varna
My first encounter with Slavko Matanović was as his patient. I had issues with my knee, back, and joints. I had tried various medications, but without results. His announcement about sessions in Plovdiv appeared on the internet. I told myself: 'I'll try, I have nothing to lose.' Generally, I am skeptical and do not believe much in such things. Slavko forever changed that attitude of mine. During the sessions, he "bent me like playdough" forwards and backwards without even touching me! I was left speechless... It was a miracle for me! Since then, I have had no health problems. He inspired me so much that I became his student. Two years ago, I broke my arm. Only he saved me from terrible pain, and I quickly recovered, doing bioenergy from a distance. Slavko Matanović has very strong energy. For me, Slavko is a 'Wizard' who heals human souls and bodies with God's energy! RESPECT, MASTER! Thank God I met you!
Irina Dimitrova, Asenovgrad